Monday, May 25, 2020

Adaptation of Renewable Energy Essay - 1799 Words

Renewable energy is generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat. On October 5, 2010 the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) approved the first sizeable solar energy plants to be built in California which will be divided into two developments totaling 6,800 acres of public land. This project is estimated to last 30 years while generating almost 1,000 new jobs. The solar energy technology that will be used in California’s Imperial County is called the sterling energy systems SunCatcher technology. It will require 28,360 solar dishes and will produce approximately 709 megawatts which will provide electricity to 212,700 to 531,750 homes. The second project is called the Chevron Lucerne Valley†¦show more content†¦Since China has been so dependable on oil, they want to transform their electricity use from solar panels. The government currently charges a fee to everyone who uses electricity. The profits then go to the electric companies for the difference in price from switching to renewable energy. (Solar Energy) Converting from fossil fuels to renewable energy is extremely expensive. Power companies in the U.S. have to decide to change their equipment to renewable energy or continue powering on fossil fuels. In China, companies have to buy the equipment anyways so it is not as hard of a decision. Renewable energy is expensive. It costs companies twice as much to use solar power than it does to use coal even with prices starting to drop from mass production. (Solar Energy) One of the ways to use solar power is called concentrating solar power. This is when people use mirrors that reflect and focus the sun’s rays to give heat that powers a generator. Another is what is seen on the roof of homes and offices buildings, which is called photovoltaic panels. These panels have been encountering theft problems especially within California. (Solar Energy) The major drawback to solar power is how expensive it is. To generate power from photovoltaic rays it costs more than four times the amount of coal and two times as much as wind power. Not many people or companies in the U.S. are switching to renewable energy even with the incentives from the government. Solar energy is usedShow MoreRelatedHuman And Natural Drivers Of Climate Change1732 Words   |  7 Pagessustainable buildings can manage the alterations to the climatic equilibrium, thus contribute to mitigate and adapt to these shifting conditions. 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